Building a mentoring program is hard. We make it easier.

Our Process

Discover & Align

We start by learning about your company and your unique needs, goals, and desired outcomes for a mentorship program. We then help you align those goals with your larger departmental and organizational strategy so that your program ladders-up to the big picture needs of the organization.

Develop & Design

We then develop a framework for your program that answers all the big questions: Who is this for? How will people apply? What is the program structure? How will you train participants? What are your program policies? What resources will you provide to participants? How will you measure success?

Implement & Refine

Finally, we launch your pilot program and work together closely during the pilot phase to troubleshoot issues, make adjustments, and improve the participant experience in real-time. Once the pilot phase ends, we do a comprehensive debrief and make refinements for the next round.

We’re experts so you don’t have to be

  • White Label Resources

    Successful mentoring programs require a lot of written resources. From program handbooks, to partnership agreements, to goal-setting & accountability forms, and mentor/mentee training decks, there’s so much to consider. Building these yourself can take months of research and work, which is why Guidepost offers a full suite of white label and customizable pre-made resources.

  • Program Data & Reporting

    Bad metrics kill programs. Mentoring programs are often started with the best of intentions, but if clear, compelling success metrics aren’t defined, tied to organizational goals, tracked, and reported, it’s impossible for leadership to see the program’s value. Guidepost offers end-to-end program data collection & reporting support.

  • Software Solution Support

    To effectively scale, every program needs software eventually. But the mentoring software landscape is saturated and loud. Guidepost provides support researching, pricing, and recommending software solutions that meet you specific needs without spending weeks down a Google rabbit hole.

Ready to build your program together? Let’s chat